A little Drum, a little Bass

Drum and Bass has always captivated me. It's getting a little old now, I guess, a couple of decades now, as a genre, but I still like it. I've always listened to it, but never tried making any. I don't know the formula. But I just decided to take some time over the last few weekends and made a small experimental piece that has some standard Drum and Bass feel, with a bit of my own style to it.

As usual, this small piece started out as an 8 bar loop, onto which a few layers were written. It takes a while to find sounds that layer nicely. Often there are dissonances that aren't pleasant. Often my inability to play the piano gets in the way of making something. In this case I had quite a few false starts where an idea just would not form. The Blade Runner motif that comes in was from a sample found on Allihoopa before it closed down.